Let’s talk about account SECurity

2022-06-14 10:13 am

Let’s talk about account SECurity

Let’s talk about (account) SECurity

If you got that little spicy throwback twist #sweet

if not, ask your parents 😊

Unfortunately, sweet Tangerine peeps, cybercriminals are not going anywhere.

Fortunately, you can make things like, accessing your account, harder for them.

One of the easiest ways to deter these bad-internet-folk is to add a Multi-Factor Authenticator (MFA) onto your Tangerine account. An MFA will add an extra of security on top of your regular username and password, which makes it harder for hackers to log in to your account as if they were you - #takethatcyberpunks

Hackers aside, another reason why you need to get your MFA (Salt-N-Pepa) groove on is because as your chosen Telco provider (thank you, thank you, thank you) we are required by the Australian Communications and Media Authority to implement this change. While we understand it is a bit of a 'life-admin' hassle to make this update, if you don't, and your account gets hacked - *touching wood right now* - the hassle as a result of that is wayyyyyyy worse.

So Spinderellas, this MFA requirement will be dropping from 30th of June. Make sure your personal deets are up to date as you'll need to be able to receive a code via email or text before our sweet team can give A's to your Q's.

Just remember....

Safe account SECurity is sweet!

xo Peely

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Basdenpaul, 12 Feb 2024

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