
Warrnambool to see massive increase in nbn<sup>®</sup> availability this March

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The town of Warrnambool in Victoria will soon see a large increase in properties that will be able to order our nbn® Plans. More than 13,000 homes and businesses will be made nbn® ready in March 2017.

The new areas due to light up for nbn® in the Warrnambool will have nbn® supplied by FTTN technology. This stands for fibre to the node technology. This method of nbn® delivery involves fibre being delivered to newly created nodes in the street. The existing copper cabling in the street is then be used to deliver nbn® to the property.

Warrnambool in Victoria nbn<sup>®</sup> Rollout Map

This is fantastic news for residents and business owners in Warrnambool as faster broadband will now be available. This is great for streaming and using multiple devices on the internet at the same time.

Certain parts of the centre of Warnambool have already got access to nbn® broadband, but the outer suburbs are about to go live!

The surrounding areas of Warrnambool receive nbn® Fixed Wireless. This involves a receiver being installed on the property which receives nbn® from a local tower.

Residents will require an nbn® ready modem that supports VDSL technology to access the nbn® network. Most older ADSL modems do not support VDSL technology so will need to be replaced. If you have an existing telephone service connected you will need to supply this at the time of ordering. If you have a naked DSL service you will need to supply your line ULL ID. This can be obtained by calling your current naked DSL provider.

When nbn® is activated at your property in Warrnambool any existing DSL or naked DSL service will cease to work. On the same day your nbn® service will be live. 

Tangerine Telecom supplies nbn® by fibre to the node and fixed wireless so is well placed to offer services across the Warrnambool area. Please see out unlimited nbn® plans in Warrnambool for full information on our plans and offers. 

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